Sunday, May 2, 2010


When I was in high school, I always dreamed that I would find someone to share the love and happiness that my biology teacher and librarian shared. They were the people you looked at, awed, and wanted to be like in 20 years.
For my ongoing digital project, Mr. and Mrs. James let me shoot them :) I met them at Dry Creek in Modesto with my "assistant" Chris Torres and as we saw them approach, all that could be said is, "they are so dang cute!"
Mr. James has always been the cool teacher. He thrives on his love for biology and nature, his amusement in the dramatic lives of the teenage adolescence, and his hatred for dolphins. During the session, you could see just how much love he had for his surroundings including an 'impressive root system' on a HUGE tree. His admiration for those roots made me admire the roots and sturdy foundation that the James' have in their love and marriage. I hope you enjoy the photos! They were so fun to take :)

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