Saturday, May 22, 2010

One Last Lonely Girl

A friend of mine from high school now goes to the Fashion Institute in SF and needed photos of her styling for her portfolio. She chose Sarah as her model so I knew my job would be so easy :) We went to a park by California and Gough St. to do the photos and I'm pretty proud of the turnout considering most are right out of camera!!!! I also was able to play with a fish eye on this shoot and loved what it brought to the look of some of the photos. Thank you Sanitta for letting me take these photos. I had a blast.

Love Child

I decided to combine my finals for quality of light and imaging into one project titled: "Love Child: Children of the Revolution." This set of images includes photos aged to look like kodachrome film shot in the 1960's of hippies and a series of images of present day anti-war/peace promoters.
The idea behind this series was to show the physical evolution of people throughout two periods of time in which the young adults of America were able to choose their own course of free speech. Different looks, same driving force: peace.


For one of my final projects, I chose a great bunch of models. I mean really, I could not have picked better ones. They all collaborated so well into my ideas and the concepts I had for each shot. They did more than I asked in face. This entry is a few of my favorite images of my models that didn't make the final cut but are defiantly worth viewing :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rain Dance

Again, the weather in Modesto was AMAZING. Anticipating rain, the clouds were grey and full, the perfect diffusor really. My friend Chris, who is always there to be my assistant when needed, is an exceptional dancer so I thought I'd shoot him for a change :) We took the same basic concept as what I did with Katie a few weeks ago but changed it and brought it to the next level. I'm really happy with the results! You can just see the tension and grace in his body! I was happy I was able to capture it because it really is an amazing thing to witness... especially when he throws a gangster diva fit :)